Feature Story – Percept: “A Call to Arms”

A Call to Arms” is an awesome, awesome story. . .I think you’ve done more in one story to inject spiritual energy into this church than “I’ve been able to do in 3 years worth of my sermons.  The people in our congregation are very excited!” –  Reverend L. Bryant Parker, New Hampton Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC   ****  “Great story, excellent feedback, without a doubt these stories are a valuable part of our site.”––Peter Wennett, Senior Vice-President, Percept

Sample: Feature Story (Advertorial)  “Call to Arms”
Client: Percept Demographics (Link2Lead)  Read more Quik Stories.

What are Quik Stories? A series of  “in use” advertorial stories (testimonials) that employs storytelling as a marketing tool. “Quik Stories” profiles various pastors and other church leaders that have successfully used one or more of Percept’s demographic products to help them develop and define their church mission, and particularly as that vision is played out within their local community.

Testimonials: A Call to Arms” is an awesome, awesome story. . .I think you’ve done more in one story to inject spiritual energy into this church than “I’ve been able to do in 3 years worth of my sermons.  The people in our congregation are very excited!” –  Reverend L. Bryant Parker, New Hampton Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC

“A great story [Call to Arms” ] about a church discovering its’ mission field  and preparing to engage those in it.  Just goes to prove that we often times only see what’s inside the building, but God’s vision enables us to see the world.” – Steve Cook, Wiggins Memorial UMC

About all 8 Quick Stories:  “Great story, excellent feedback, without a doubt these stories are a valuable part of our site.”––Peter Wennett, Senior Vice-President, Percept

“Both the QuickStory and Quick Insight articles are great. They both show a great deal of creativity. Good work! Very Impressive”! – Mike Regele, President, Percept

A Call to Arms: (Read online here or begin with text-only version below.

A Call to Arms

“You don’t need a penny just to hang around,

But if you’ve got a nickel, won’t you lay your money down?

Over on the corner there’s a happy noise.

People come from all around to watch the magic boy”
Credence Clearwater Revival

“It’s a quarter to three and there’s no one in the place except  you and me.”

No doubt, even “you and me” would be long gone by a quarter to three. After all, this is church— who expects anyone to hang around? Not so with the 300+ members of New Hampton Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Unlike most churchgoers on a Sunday morning, these exuberant worshippers don’t automatically exit en masse when the clock strikes twelve—they find plenty of good reasons to hold off on the noon repast.

First of all, there’s the music: “Joyful, Joyful” describes 70-year old Rose Gillespie who was born into the church. “Best music in Charlotte,” says a 20-year old local college student from New York. Then there are those hugs—warm, engulfing envelopments given in ample abundance by members who’ve almost made reaching out and touching someone a doctrine.

Call it their own brand of Reformed Theology; here, reforming non-committal “We go where the wind blows” baby boomers is a way of life. While some pastors severely chide those with CVS (Chronic Visitors Syndrome) as being “potted plants on wheels” who need to put down roots, New Hampton’s Rev. L. Bryant Parker takes a different tack. After all, if even plants need a little TLC before they can take root and grow, why should human beings be any different?. . . [Read the full story on line]

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Read more Quik Stories at Link2Lead.com  (List of stories below)

About seekandfind

I'm a strategic storyteller/copywriter who is divinely wired to be idea-driven, strategic minded & cause motivated.

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